About Me

MohammadAli Khafaji

Born in 1986 in Isfahan, Iran.
I began my career at the age of 15 as an experimental designer. I later graduated with a degree in graphic design from Ghobad Shiva Institute in Tehran.

I was deprived of education for four years due to citizenship reasons when I was 11 years old. During this time, I participated in public and private computer training courses with the help of my family and learned English from my father, who was a language translator.

At the age of 14, I participated in an interview for the recruitment of educational staff at the Noor Computer Education Organization, and after succeeding, I started teaching practical computer training courses. A year later, I started working as an intern at Zeytoon Graphics Office under the supervision of Mr. Mehdi Noori, and during a year, I became familiar with the process of graphic design, printing, and publishing. I continued my studies in various fields and continued until my second year of high school. But then, on the recommendation of Professor Ghobad Shiva, I took the empirical and self-taught path to learn skills and expertise. I completed two consecutive years of specialized courses in graphics and art under his service.

Mastery of computer and programming fundamentals, English language, and learning design principles from one of the world’s most famous designers, as well as my double effort to learn, research, study, and gain experience in various design fields, helped me in the path of reaching my interests.

In 2015, on the recommendation and encouragement of my dear friend and colleague, Mr. Sarvdalir, I participated in Dr. Rahbar’s algorithm writing workshop at the Faculty of Art and Architecture of Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), and a new horizon opened up for me. Shortly after that, in collaboration with Mr. Sarvdalir, we succeeded in writing the first Iranian Muqarnas algorithm and presented my achievement in a seminar with the same title to the scientific community.

Since then, along with continuing my path in the field of graphics and design, I have participated in various algorithm writing projects, and in the past year, I have turned to Python coding in this environment to develop parametric design activities. In this path, I have benefited from the very fruitful courses of Dr. Rahbar and my dear teacher, Dr. Ismailbeigi.

Currently, I run my office and am engaged in providing design and branding services, industrial design, coding and parametric algorithm writing, research, and specialized consulting in various design fields.